Andy Blast and the Major Update!

Hey everyone!

This is a major update for Andy Blast Vs. The Forces of Evil!

Some things that were changed:

Better Collisions! Completely revamped the collision system. Everything works the same, but the backend works better. Thank the Slimes for this.

New enemy! Slimes! Little oozlings that squish about and jump from floor to ceiling. They're introduced in level two.

New level! Level two has been added and is still a work in progress. It has a lot of "patches" to keep you from going through doors and getting hit by enemies instantly.

"Random" enemy movement. Enemies will now change direction sometimes so it's no longer just back and forth.

New credits! If you can get through level two you'll be presented with a new scrolling credits screen that gives proper credits to appropriate authors.

New title screen! A new screen that looks a lot better than the old one.

Revamped assets! Some of the art assets have been revamped/moved to the new palette/or swapped entirely.

New sounds! At least one new sound; Andy's gun now sounds more Blast-y.

Death scenes! Added some death animation frames! Only two for now, but others will follow!


AndyBlast 2.0 Alpha Demo 2 - Windows EXE 60 MB
Jan 11, 2024

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