Updated Controls!

Hey there everyone!

The controls for Andy Blast are something I'm continuously working on and they are giving me some trouble, but I did make a small advancement with the Joystick/Keyboard controls. By moving some code around I was able to make the menu accessible by both KB and Joystick regardless of which one is selected to actually play the game.

This is an extremely small but fix, but will help with not having to move from KB to Joystick and back again in the menu any time you change controls schemes no matter which you'd like to play with!

I've also included more of the files for LOVE to run the game as some people have been experiencing a "Missing file" error and the files are included with LOVE, but I was not aware they were needed to run anything as my game still ran fine even in a separate directory.


AndyBlast 2.0 Alpha Demo 1 - Windows EXE 18 MB
Feb 18, 2023

Get Andy Blast Vs The Forces of Evil (DEMO)

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